A bit about me
I’ve been in the professional software industry for over a decade now. I’ve worked in multiple areas of a software lifecycle, Quality Assurance, Java, Javascript Backend/Frontend, Team Lead, Cloud Engineer, and Architect.
The Software developer mindset
We all love the challenge behind the next puzzle or algorithm to implement, solving complex scenarios, and trying to predict the user’s behavior into our applications. While learning the next Javascript framework can be exciting is also grueling nevertheless.
Having to expend 8 or 9 hours designing, planning, implementing, and monitoring software solutions can be quite demanding for your body, no matter how many times you switch your desk from sitting to standing.
A Balance
The moment you realize how idle and sedentary your life has become you might start to think about exercise but, which one to choose?
While cyclist, in general, brings many benefits to your body
- Reduces chances of a heart disease
- Increment muscle strength and flexibility
- Burn more calories
- Reduces the body fat
- more …
Mountain Biking (MTB) brings additional benefits if you are an individual that works all day solving complex scenarios within your head, you need something that allows you to free those thoughts.
Welcome MTB
In a healthy way, trust me when I tell you there is no better alternative to clean your mind than going downhill at 20 miles/hour on muddy or loose terrain, you have to focus all your senses on the task at hand, pick your line, control your bike, follow your companion, brake or let go.
Going uphill you will be challenged by the fear, the pain, the feeling of giving up, but you are used to mental puzzles and knows
The mind is stronger than the body.
A Sunday epic 100 mile ride can be daunting but you are ready for it, plan your route, take it slow, one pedal at the time, one Jira task a day, take breaks, and split your workload into manageable sprints.
The Community
Another key aspect of the programmer life is working in solitude and trying to do all by himself, mountain biking teaches you to trust your teammates. It’s a community and when you are out there miles away from civilization you need to care for each other, you need to be able to rely on others to support you and share those little victories conquesting a short hill breaking your own limits.
Pain is ephemeral, memories live forever
When your legs hurt because of the training, you can still sit relax at your office, home, or backyard, do your job and continue solving puzzles knowing…
Pain is ephemeral, memories live forever.
Wellington Aquino
Lead Software Engineer / Architect / MTB enthusiast
LinkedIn / Strava
原文链接:Why Mountain Bike is the perfect sport for a Software Developer