Day 3:
It’s day three and I’m still on course 5.
5) Ongoing: Fundaments of Systems Architecture
- Third section: Architecture of mobile applications and Internet of Things
I’ve completed the third section of course #5 mainly on Internet of Things (IoT). It was focused on: Things – Cloud – Intelligence. It presented a little bit of embedded systems such as Arduino (and a C program to blink a LED) and Raspberry Pi. It also explained the model Publisher-Subscriber and MQTT protocol and the levels of Quality of Service (QoS). We studied a case of GPS data being transferred in this architecture GPS => MQTT => Broker => Worker => Data Store using cheap tools to the AWS powerful cloud support for IoT.
- Fourth section: Essential Data Architecture
I started the fourth section (but didn’t finished it) where the concepts of data and data bases were introduced. Models of data bases were presented: Flat, Hierarchical, Relational.