Today I started a Bootcamp Java Developer.
The track contains video courses and challenges and I must complete it until 19th November 2020. I’m going to report my accomplishes here in the dev community.
Day 1:
1) Completed: Welcome
I completed the first course which is actually just an introduction to the website and its features.
2) Completed: Programming Logic Essential
It is an introduction to programming logic and algorithms. It teaches how to created flowcharts using Flowgorithm. I’ve already knew how to organize algorithms as flowcharts, but I liked to learn about the Flowgorithm software. It is easy to use. It also introduced the concept of pseudocode and used Portugol, a software to write and run pseudocode in Portuguese. I’ve studied a little the book Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein but I used to write the pseudocode in English and coded it in python.
3) Completed before: Introduction to Git and Version Control
I have completed this course months ago. This course covers very little about Git and Version Control. I took a course on Git & Github last year by Bibhash Roy and it was more complete. You can find a similar course at udemy.
4) Completed before: Introduction to Github and Commands to work in a team.
I have also completed this course on github months ago. Bibhash Roy covers github as well.