Best Courses to learn Flask 2020

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Flask is a Python-based micro-framework that is used to build web applications. The term ‘micro-framework’ signifies that it does not require any special tools or libraries. By the word micro framework, we are not limiting the abilities of Flask. Flask is equally good for larger applications as it is for smaller ones.

Components like database abstraction layer, form validation & verification, etc where a pre-existing library is required. Flask, however, supports extensions.

Extensions provide support for object-relational mapping, exception handling, and data validation.

Salient Features of Flask

  • Development server and debugger
  • Integrated support for unit testing
  • RESTful request dispatching
  • Uses Jinja templating
  • Support for secure cookies (client-side sessions)
  • Unicode-based
  • Extensive documentation
  • Google App Engine compatibility
  • Extensions available to enhance features desired

Why learn Flask?

Provided the ease of usage and simplicity of understanding, Flask is undoubtedly one of the best frameworks( or Microframework).
Its simple yet elegant syntax helps you to build web-apps in less time with minimal efforts. You can also build REST APIs using this micro-framework.

However, learning Flask can be challenging provided the enormous resources present out there. People think that plenty of resources make it easier. But, it’s the other way round. Opting for the best courses from a pool of thousands of courses can be a tedious task.

Thus, we have curated a list of Best Flask Courses that you can take to get a good hands-on experience with the micro-framework. You will learn to build simple web-apps using flask. You will also build REST APIs and understand the web development process while working with Python.

Best Courses to learn Flask

1. Build REST APIs with Flask and Python (The Complete Course)

Build professional REST APIs with Python, Flask, Flask-RESTful, and Flask-SQLAlchemy. You will start with a Python refresher that will take you from the very basics to some of the most advanced features of Python—that’s all the Python you need to complete the course.

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 10,844 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Connect web or mobile applications to databases and servers via REST APIs

  • Create secure and reliable REST APIs which include authentication, logging, caching, and more

  • Understand the different layers of a web server and how web applications interact with each other

  • Handle seamless user authentication with advanced features like token refresh

  • Handle log-outs and prevent abuse in your REST APIs with JWT blacklisting

  • Develop professional-grade REST APIs with expert instruction
    This course will guide you in creating simple, intermediate, and advanced REST APIs including authentication, deployments, caching, and much more.

Using Flask and popular extensions Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy you will dive right into developing complete, solid, production-ready REST APIs.

You can take Build REST APIs with Flask and Python (The Complete Course) Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. Python and Flask Bootcamp (Create Websites using Flask!)

Create awesome websites using the powerful Flask framework for Python! This course will be your complete definitive guide for developing fully functional websites with the Flask web framework.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 4,373 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Learn basic HTML to create templates along with basic CSS to style your webpages

  • Understand Python, including Functions, Decorators, and Object-Oriented Programming

  • Cover how to use the Jinja template engine to directly connect your flask application to your front end files to customize your websites.

  • Use Flask to create basic landing pages

  • Use WTForms to accept user inputs from a Flask Application

  • Use Flask and SQLAlchemy as an ORM for a SQL database

  • Use blueprints to structure larger Flask Applications

  • Create a fully functioning Social Network Site with Flask

  • Enable User Authentication and Authorization with Flask and understand OAuth with Flask Applications

  • Create simple REST APIs with Flask and accept payments with Stripe and Flask

  • Learn how to connect templates to Flask do you can connect your Flask Application to HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap based templates

You can take Python and Flask Bootcamp (Create Websites using Flask!) Certificate Course on Udemy.

3. Python Flask for Beginners: Build a CRUD web app using Flask

Learn to build dynamic web applications using Python and Flask | The most practical course to learn Flask

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 622 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • You will learn to create a web server using Flask

  • You will understand how the web actually works

  • Perform Create, Read, Update and Delete operations of a MySQL database

  • You will learn how to use a YAML file to store and retrieve configuration parameters using PyYAML

  • You will be comfortable connecting your application to a MySQL database using flask-mysqldb

  • You will learn to use the Jinja2 template engine of Flask

  • Add simple CSS styles to your application using flask-bootstrap

  • Submit a user form through an HTTP POST request

  • You will learn how to hash sensitive information submitted by the user

  • Understand the difference between an HTTP GET request and an HTTP POST request

  • Integrate CKEditor to your blog application using flask-CKEditor

  • Handle user sessions

You can take Python Flask for Beginners: Build a CRUD web app using Flask Certificate Course on Udemy.

4. Python REST APIs with Flask, Docker, MongoDB, and AWS DevOps

Learn Python coding with RESTful API’s using the Flask framework. Understand how to use MongoDB, Docker, and Tensor flow.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 1,109 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Have a deeper knowledge and understanding of core elements of web development using Python

  • Understand and be able to use the flask framework

  • Plan, build, set up and deploy a RESTful API to an Amazon EC2 instance

  • Make use of a NoSQL (MongoDB) Database

  • Build a machine-learning API using Tensorflow for image recognition

Why choose this course?

  • You will be able to learn and understand how to design and implement RESTful APIs via the Flask framework.
  • Ever wanted to know what a NoSQL database is, and how to use one? You’ll learn how to do that as well, using Python.
  • And what is Docker, and what does it mean to “dockerize” your apps? Yep, you guessed it, you will learn that as well in this course.
  • You’ll even learn how to build a machine learning API using TensorFlow for image recognition.
  • Another hot topic is DevOps, and you will learn about that and go through the process of deploying a RESTful API on an Amazon EC2 instance.
  • In short, this course is designed to take your basic Python skills and take you to the next level in the shortest period of time.

You can take Python REST APIs with Flask, Docker, MongoDB, and AWS DevOps Certificate Course on Udemy.

5. The “Build a SAAS App with Flask” Course

Build a real-world web app with Python, Flask, and Docker. Learn to accept payments with Stripe and so much more.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 1,472 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • See how a large application gets built up in stages

  • Build complex web applications and websites

  • Bid for Flask/web development freelance work

  • Confidence to apply for Flask positions at software companies

  • Proficiency with server-side development and databases

  • An awesome Docker-based development environment

  • Learn how to use Docker to “Dockerize” a web application

  • Learn what Flask is and how to use its features in your applications

  • Learn how to create a Python 2 and 3 compatible code-base

  • Learn how to use PostgreSQL, Redis, and Celery with Flask

  • Create a full-blown user management system

  • Create a flexible custom admin interface

  • Accept both recurring and microtransaction credit card payments

  • Deal with both HTML template and JSON responses

  • Logging, middleware and error handling

  • Database migrations and internationalization (i18n)

You can take The Build a SAAS App with Flask Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

6. The Flask Mega-Tutorial (Python Web Development)

The most complete introduction to web development with Python and Flask

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 268 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Write complete web applications using Python and Flask

  • Accept user input through web forms

  • Use relational databases

  • Manage user logins and authentication

  • Translate and localize application messages

  • Implement a search engine

  • Add JavaScript user-friendly features

  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

  • Deploy your application on Linux servers or Docker containers

  • Deploy your application on Heroku

You can take The Flask Mega-Tutorial (Python Web Development) Certificate Course on Udemy.

Glad to see, that you have made it till the end. If this article added some value to your learning or if you liked it then like, upvote, and share it in your network. In case you want to explore more, you can take the Free Flask Courses.

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