Making Python3 default in Ubuntu

I came into the python world at 2017, and ever since then, I have never thought of using Python2. Now in 2020, I just updated my OS to Ubuntu 20.04 and I have no idea what python2 is doing on my terminal, talkless of even being the default.

But this is how I made python3 my default:

First I typed gedit ~/.bashrc on my terminal to open the .bashrc file on my text editor.

<span>$ </span>gedit ~/.bashrc
<span>$ </span>gedit ~/.bashrc
$ gedit ~/.bashrc

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And then I added
alias python=python3
to the top of the .bashrc file and saved it.

That was it.

What this means is that whenever I write python on my terminal, it sees it as python3

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