100DaysOfCode | Day 23

100DaysOfCode | Week 4 (3 Part Series)

1 100DaysOfCode | Day 23
2 100DaysOfCode | Day 24, 25(Flask)
3 100DaysOfCode | Day 26

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3 Days ago…
I switched from Linux(Pop!_OS) to Windows for an online class, but after finishing the class when I decided to switch to Linux, my BIOS corrupted and I lost my Linux 🙁
I didn’t find any solution to solve this problem, so I Installed Pop!_OS again.

I lost all of my apps and information but finally I learned how to set my Grub correctly to prevent corrupting again.
But I’m feeling not really good, cause I couldn’t code 1 hour every day and because of that I should try harder to fill that gap.
Actually I learned how to set my grub, and that’s a good point for me, cause I had a problem with my Pop!_OS grub all the time, because you need to set it Manually!(Most of the Distros are not like this).
图片[1]-100DaysOfCode | Day 23 - 拾光赋-拾光赋
So I should start to learn and code again, Today should be my 25th day but I wrote 23 cause I don’t wanna jump from 23 to 25 without learning and coding!(Actually without consistency)

Keep Moving Forward

Enjoy Your Journey

Code with

100DaysOfCode | Week 4 (3 Part Series)

1 100DaysOfCode | Day 23
2 100DaysOfCode | Day 24, 25(Flask)
3 100DaysOfCode | Day 26

原文链接:100DaysOfCode | Day 23

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Suffer all the pain can destroy a person, but it also can kill the pain.
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