100DaysOfCode | Week 3 (4 Part Series)
1 100DaysOfCode | Day 15, 16
2 #100DaysOfCode | Day 17, 18(Are You committed Yourself?)
3 100DaysOfCode | Day 19, 20(Are You committed yourself?)
4 100DaysOfCode | Day 21, 22
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Hey everyone, today is my day 21 of #100DaysOfCode Challenge!
If I want to be honest yesterday I didn’t code even a second 🙁
I’m so sad about it, cause one of my friend invited me to his own party and I made a mistake to accept his invitation.
So I just wanted to share how do I feel about my decision and actually I lost one day that I’m gonna add to the last of the challenge.
I’m so damn tired and do not have enough energy to start coding, but It doesn’t matter cause I committed myself to do it every-single-day!
I’m gonna dive into it right now and you should too.
ArE YoU?
Keep Moving Forward ツ
Enjoy Your Journey
Code with
原文链接:100DaysOfCode | Day 19, 20(Are You committed yourself?)