Python / Flask framework combination is one of the popular choices for building back-end APIs for a web application. Building an application’s back-end this way gives several options for coming up with a front-end using different technology stack.
In this article, let’s walk through the steps involved in building a simple API for maintaining Quotes using the Flask framework with SQLite database as its datastore.
Project Setup
Create a project folder – mkdir quotes-api
Setup and activate virtual environment – Virtual Environment Setup
Install below packages in project’s virtual environment:
pip install flask
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
pip install flask-marshmallow
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Application Setup
Create a file called
in the project folder and add necessary imports, application setup code along with Marshmallow library setup like shown below:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow
import os
#Application and database setup app = Flask(__name__)
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'quotes.db')
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
# Marshmallow library is used for effective object serialization ma = Marshmallow(app)
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Database Setup
Let’s add below code to the
file so we could create a quotes
database and seed data through the flask commands.
#Database creation flask commands @app.cli.command('db_create')
def db_create():
print('Database created!')
def db_drop():
print('Database dropped!')
def db_seed():
quote1 = Quote(quote_desc='It always seem impossible until it is done.',
author='Nelson Mandela')
quote2 = Quote(quote_desc='With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.',
author='Eleanor Roosevelt')
quote3 = Quote(quote_desc='The secret of getting ahead is getting started.',
author='Mark Twain')
quote4 = Quote(quote_desc='With self-discipline most anything is possible.',
author='Theodore Roosevelt')
quote5 = Quote(quote_desc='It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.',
print('Database seeded!')
# database model class Quote(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'quotes'
quote_id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
quote_desc = Column(String)
quote_type = Column(String)
author = Column(String)
# Quote model added to the Marshmallow library for JSON serialization class QuoteSchema(ma.Schema):
class Meta:
fields = ('quote_id', 'quote_desc', 'quote_type', 'author')
quote_schema = QuoteSchema()
quotes_schema = QuoteSchema(many=True)
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Execute below code in project’s virtual environment to create and seed the quotes data:
flask db_create
flask db_seed
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CRUD Operations
Now that all of the setup part is complete, below methods added to the
file help perform the actual CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations. Note the appropriate use of HTTP Methods and status codes to signify success or failure of a particular API endpoint.
Read Endpoint
@app.route('/quotes', methods=['GET'])
def quotes():
quotes_list = Quote.query.all()
result = quotes_schema.dump(quotes_list)
return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/quote_details/<int:quote_id>', methods=['GET'])
def quote_details(quote_id: int):
quote = Quote.query.filter_by(quote_id=quote_id).first()
if quote:
result = quote_schema.dump(quote)
return jsonify(result)
return jsonify(message="That quote does not exist."), 404
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Add Endpoint
@app.route('/add_quote', methods=['POST'])
def add_quote():
quote_desc = request.form['quote_desc']
test = Quote.query.filter_by(quote_desc=quote_desc).first()
if test:
return jsonify(message="There is already a quote by that description."), 409
quote_type= request.form['quote_type']
author= request.form['author']
quote = Quote(quote_desc=quote_desc,
quote_type= quote_type,
author= author)
return jsonify(message="Quote added successfully!"), 201
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Update Endpoint
@app.route('/update_quote/<int:quote_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_quote(quote_id : int):
quote = Quote.query.filter_by(quote_id=quote_id).first()
if quote:
quote.quote_desc = request.form['quote_desc']
quote.quote_type = request.form['quote_type'] request.form['author']
return jsonify(message="Quote successfully updated!")
return jsonify(message="That quote does not exist"), 404
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Delete Endpoint
@app.route('/remove_quote/<int:quote_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def remove_quote(quote_id : int):
quote = Quote.query.filter_by(quote_id=quote_id).first()
if quote:
return jsonify(message="Quote successfully deleted!"), 200
return jsonify(message="That quote does not exist"), 404
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How to test the API?
Add below code to the end of the file, so we could start application using python
. API endpoints could be tested using Postman application.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Next Steps:
- Extend API to provide more endpoints
- Secure API using JWT
- Build a front-end using react.js, vue.js or any other suitable technology
- Deploy built API by installing WSGI complaint server on any of the cloud platforms