How web client and web server work ?

we surf on the internet the resource that we need. However, Did you ever wonder how we can easily see the content in the website.

So Let’s me explain how actually content can appear normally in our website.

What is the web client?
Web client is the place where user can interact with, in order to request whatever user want.Here, Web Client can be a web browser(Google Crome, Sarifi,Firefox…) or a standalone application(Notepad++,AdobeXd…).And I tend to talk about web browser.
What is the web server?
Web server, actually take the request from the client and handle it then response the result that client request.Web server can be a software or hardware.
I guess, you has known that client send the request for server , and the server send back the content that client want. However , how that server cand understand the request from the client and server and response like the way client desire. This just mean that how client and server can understand each others, how they communicate to each others, which is their language they use to communicate ? That’s Http protocals.
What is HTTP protocals?
Http protocals is inside the Application layer where help the information be sent and receive through the internet.
So that’s is the end of my article that introduce how client and server work with each other basically. For the next , I will dig depper more about how http works in client and server.
I hope that can get suggestions from you guys.

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