Hey bug I can spot you

can python do that (7 Part Series)

1 Wow can python do that?
2 Wow can python do that? -2
3 more parts…
3 Package Managers in python
4 Making neural nets uncool, Open GPU Data Science, Simple. Flexible. Powerful.
5 Wow can python do that 🤔
6 Hey Python , say cheese 🧀
7 Hey bug I can spot you

Hello, welcome back to the 7th edition of the series can python do that.

Today we will look through python libraries what will help in monitoring your code

Libraries we over today are

  • Sentry
  • Datadog
  • Rollbar


图片[1]-Hey bug I can spot you - 拾光赋-拾光赋
Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software
teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.

  • Source code, error filters, stack locals — Sentry enhances application performance monitoring with stack traces.
  • See all Issues across your entire organization or select a handful of projects to surface correlated trouble spots.
  • Dashboards add a visual element to our application monitoring.



图片[2]-Hey bug I can spot you - 拾光赋-拾光赋
The Data Dog Python integration allows you to collect and monitor your Python application logs, traces, and custom metrics. With turn-key integrations, Datadog seamlessly aggregates metrics and events across the full DevOps stack.

  • SaaS and Cloud providers
  • Automation tools
  • Monitoring and instrumentation
  • Source control and bug tracking
  • Databases and common server components



图片[3]-Hey bug I can spot you - 拾光赋-拾光赋
Rollbar automates error monitoring and triaging, so developers can fix errors that matter within minutes, and build software quickly and painlessly.

  • Reduce the back and forth between dev and QA
  • Dedupe bug reports and prioritize bugs affecting many test cases
  • Get real-time results and stack traces with local variables


Peace ,
Rohith Gilla

Stay Safe, Stay Calm, Stay Informed

can python do that (7 Part Series)

1 Wow can python do that?
2 Wow can python do that? -2
3 more parts…
3 Package Managers in python
4 Making neural nets uncool, Open GPU Data Science, Simple. Flexible. Powerful.
5 Wow can python do that 🤔
6 Hey Python , say cheese 🧀
7 Hey bug I can spot you

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