An example Jooby app, Jooby is one of the fastest and performant framework in Java

Here is the repo –

Jooby seems a very promising framework. It’s easy and fast. I noticed the Techempower benchmark last week and found this amazing framework that supports Java and Kotlin.

History(!!) 🧐

I have been working with Webflux for around a year. Webflux is the implementation of reactive Java on top of Spring-boot framework. It is basically a non-blocking concept and reuses threads for concurrent connections, really good for modern services with lots of concurrent requests. But writing reactive code is not that fun, you have to maintain a chain and catching errors and no filtering and less readable code and so on… That’s another talk.

So basically I was looking for another framework with the same performance but not reactive And I think Jooby is that one! And also it has the ability to run Event-loop, the non-blocking concept like Webflux where we can use the reactive java. Even the default mode supports both blocking and non-blocking in the same app! This is really cool!

Getting started

To begin with, it’s really easy to setup a Jooby project, though it hasn’t got starter like Spring-boot, but the jooby-cli is enough to bootstrap a new projects with varities of configurations. Easy way is to –

  1. Download the jooby-cli (please refer to the doc’s download, the link may change)
  2. Add bin/jooby or bin/jooby.bat to the system path variable.
  3. Set workspace jooby set -w ~/Source
  4. Create a new project jooby> create myapp --gradle --mvc --docker This is how I created mine, you can find other options by jooby> help create.

You can find the details here –


I have created this app – for exampling and maybe I will add more modules and functionalities to it for future tutorials. This is a url shortener app, uses redis to keep track of them. A very simple app, implemented in a spring like architecture.

I won’t go deeper into every module or explaining all of my code. I will do that if you need me to, please comment for that. Mostly I will talk about the overall app structure.

I have used the mvc api of jooby. It’s more like the spring-boot concept. My app has a controller, service, and some dto’s. You can relate the architecture to spring-boot. All you need is to install the modules, there are a handful of modules already integrated to jooby and for other ones you just need to write an extension and register that in jooby’s service registy, more like a bean in spring-boot, but with less magic, full control.

You can pass Context to any controller, handler, or service, just take it as an argument. There are filters, I have used them for request response logging, somewhat like the AOP. The error handler is really easy to integrate. And much more… I really loved the framework, it’s easy with less magic!

Please check out my repository for a thorough idea of the app, and if you have any questions or idea or opinion or anything comment down below

原文链接:An example Jooby app, Jooby is one of the fastest and performant framework in Java

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