10 Intellij Idea’s plugins I’m using

Cover image: https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:IntelliJIDEA_2016.3_Community.png

Intellij Idea has a lot of plugins, both paid and free (I’m using only free). Here is a list of my favorite, that I’m using daily.

All images are from the official plugin’s web page


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SonarLint is a static code analyzer. Idea has build-in code analyzer, but SonarLint is able to find more issues in your Java code, so they work perfectly together. SonarLint can be connected to SonarQube server, but even in standalone is an interesting plugin.

SonarLint plugin page

Rainbow Brackets

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Rainbow Brackets is just an eye candy tool that makes brackets colorful. There is also Indent Rainbow but I’m not using it.

Rainbow Brackets plugin page

Code review tool

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That’s what I’m most happy about. Making code review in web browser is a pain, you can’t see the full code, you can’t go to method implementation in simply way, etc. Moving this process to the IDE was fantastic decision.

In my company we’re using the GitLab, so I’m using Merge Request Integration CE – Code Review for GitLab. But if you are using GitHub or BitBucket or other tool for code review – I’m sure that there is a good plugin for you, just search and test.

Extra Icons

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Extra Icons adds icons for popular tools that are not available in Idea by default.

Extra Icons plugin page

CSV Plugin

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CSV Plugin allows to open the .csv files in tabular, excel-like view. Useful from time to time.

CSV Plugin plugin page


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CodeGlance adds a code mini map into the editor pane. Not very useful, just show yours code structure.

CodeGlance plugin page


[no picture]
CodeGlance allows switching easily between kebab-case, SNAKE_CASE, PascalCase, camelCase, snake_case or space case. I’m using it when renaming the variable after changing the scope.

CodeGlance plugin page


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In my company we are using Spring REST Docs to create technical documentation. AsciiDoc plugin just shows rendered preview of .adoc files.

AsciiDoc plugin page

Request mapper

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Request mapper is a tool that allows you to find a URL mapping declaration in your Spring/JAX-RS/Micronaut project. You can add @RequestMapping annotation on both, class and method and the plugin still works fine and quick.

Request mapper plugin page

IDE Features Trainer

I’ve used this plugin in the past. As the home page says:

Learn basic shortcuts and essential features interactively — right inside the IDE.

You can learn the IDE in an easy, interactive way.

IDE Features Trainer plugin page

Bonus 1 – the font

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I’m using the Monaco font. In my opinion it’s really readable and clean. I love that font.

Bonus 2 – Live templates

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I’m using only one live template in my daily job – to create new JUnit test.
To create that one, open PreferencesEditorLive Templates, then add new template and paste:

public void $END$() throws Exception {
public void $END$() throws Exception {

@org.junit.jupiter.api.Test public void $END$() throws Exception { }

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Bonus 3 – skip Spring’s classes when debugging

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I was really annoyed when I was debugging my application and saw infinite numbers of Spring’s classes. So I’ve opened PreferencesBuild, Execution, DeploymentDebuggerStepping and added org.springframework.* into the Do not step into the clasess list. Really helpful trick 😉

Share in comments yours favorite plugins and tricks.

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