- Mark Erikson (Redux maintaiiner) provides us with “details on how React rendering behaves, and how use of Context and React-Redux affect rendering”. Must-read for every React dev!
- Facebook has finally released its own state management library. It’s still experimental, but it’s definitely worth a try. Given that it comes from the same company, it’s reasonable to expect that it plays nice with the upcoming concurrent mode, suspense, and anything else we don’t know of yet.
- A great read from Harry Roberts on how to make your font render faster than ever.
- In our view, it’s the most comprehensive yet not bloated guide on how the event loop works. An absolute must-read for every Node.js developer!
- Have you ever wondered how V8 manages its memory? Here is a concise overview with great visuals.
- A long-read coming in 9 parts on what every programmer should know about the memory. It is 13 years old, but it is as relevant today as it was back then.
- Async context propagation is a pain in the ass in any eco-system. Google provided us with an outstanding comparison of how different languages and frameworks approach it.
- A new episode of a never-ending battle between Kyle Kingsbury (author of a well-known Jepsen) and MongoDB. He evaluated MongoDB version 4.2.6, and found that even at the strongest levels of read and write concern, it failed to preserve snapshot isolation. MongoDB promises a patch in 4.2.8.
- Everybody knows B-trees, right? But what about other ways to speed up your search? Marko Kevac from Badoo speaks about their usage of bitmap indexes.
- Did you know that it’s simple enough to build a time series storage on top of RocksDB which is capable of writing 400K data points/sec on decent HW? And yes, it uses bitmaps. Andrey P, who is a big fan of time series (and bitmaps), recently did a talk on the topic.
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