Interactive Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes – Configuring VisualVM to use JMXMP

Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes using JMXMP (2 Part Series)

1 Interactive Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes: Exposing JMXMP
2 Interactive Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes – Configuring VisualVM to use JMXMP

This is part 2 of a 2-part series.

Despite feature requests to do so and some work to create a plugin, VisualVM does not ship with JMXMP configured by default. The following recipe has been tested with VisualVM 2.0.1.

If we used Maven to enable our application, we have a copy of the required java archive (jar) in the .m2 directory. The simple way is to add that jar to the class path using the --cp:a option. This jar would normally have to be “endorsed” to be used, but starting from the directory where it is found allows things to work.

cd C:\Dev\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\external\opendmk_jmxremote_optional_jar\1.0-b01-ea C:\Dev\Java\visualvm_201\bin\visualvm.exe --cp:a opendmk_jmxremote_optional_jar-1.0-b01-ea.jar 

You can also create a shortcut on your desktop to run the command. Use the Start In option to select the directory where the jmxremote jar is found.

Adding a remote host

When accessing a remote host such as KubeSail, add it using the add remote host option

Configure a connection

Under the new host (or under Local if connecting locally), right-click and use Add JMX Connection. Use the accessible address.

  • If running locally, this will be localhost, and the syntax will be service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:1098
  • if remote, the external address obtained by querying the pod. In our example, that yieldsservice:jmx:jmxmp://54.151.2.??:300?? (the port is the one listed in the NodePort configuration as explained in Part 1.)

  • Double-clicking on the new connection will open it, and the name of the monitored application will be shown. You can then use the various tabs to monitor, examine or sample the application.

Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes using JMXMP (2 Part Series)

1 Interactive Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes: Exposing JMXMP
2 Interactive Java JVM Monitoring on Kubernetes – Configuring VisualVM to use JMXMP

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