keikai (5 Part Series)
1 How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files
2 Enable User Input in My Spreadsheet-based App
3 Automate Excel Sheet Processing with Java
4 Protect Formulas in a Web Spreadsheet Application
5 Give your classic spreadsheet a modern touch
A Sheet Processing Use Case
My colleague Penny in the HR department has to do a routine task each month: making payroll sheets for everyone in the company. There is a sheet containing a table of all employees with salary information:
And she has to create payroll sheets for each person on the list based on the template sheet:
To avoid copying cell by cell manually, I create a web application with Keikai to read salary data row by row and produce payroll sheets. The whole process is:
Import a Pre-designed Excel File
I create a Keikai spreadsheet by writing tags and attributes in a zul of ZK framework which is a UI framework based on Java EE. By specifying at src
attribute with a file path, Keikai can import my Payroll.xlsx
<spreadsheet height="100%" width="100%" src="/WEB-INF/books/Payroll.xlsx"
maxVisibleColumns="15" maxVisibleRows="20"
hidecolumnhead="false" hiderowhead="false"
showToolbar="true" showSheetbar="true" showFormulabar="true"
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When I visit the zul with a browser, Keikai renders the file:
The ZK framework will parse the zul page above and instantiate a Keikai Java object(Spreadsheet
) for us to control.
Then I also create a Java controller, PayrollComposer
to access the Keikai Java object and apply the controller on the page at apply
attribute: apply="io.keikai.devref.usecase.PayrollComposer"
Named Range
I make a cell like a button on the sheet. When I click the cell, Keikai will start to produce payroll sheets. I give a name, Generate
, to the cell.
After that, I can create a Range
object (generateButton
) with the name:
generateButton = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet, "Generate");
Here is the related code snippet:
public class PayrollComposer extends SelectorComposer<Component>{
private Spreadsheet spreadsheet;
final private static String EMPLOYEE_SHEET = "Payroll";
private Range generateButton;
private Sheet sheet;
public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
sheet = spreadsheet.getBook().getSheet(EMPLOYEE_SHEET);
generateButton = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet, "Generate");
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Listen to Button Clicking
Then I register an event listener for the cell (button) clicking by @Listen
and check whether the button generateButton
is clicked or not:
@Listen(Events.ON_CELL_CLICK + "=spreadsheet")
public void onCellClick(CellMouseEvent e) {
String sheetName = e.getSheet().getSheetName();
switch (sheetName) {
if (RangeHelper.isRangeClicked(e, generateButton))
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When the button is clicked, it just starts to fill the payroll slips.
Fill payroll data into sheets
Before filling a payroll sheet, I have to read all employees’ salary data row by row from the table. The table also has a corresponding named range, PayrollTable
, that I don’t need to hard code its cell address.
private void fillPayrollSlips() {
String tableName = "PayrollTable";
Range payrollRange = Ranges.rangeByName(sheet, tableName);
List<Map<String, Object>> employeeSalaries = getEmployeeSalaries(payrollRange);
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To avoid filling data into a fixed cell address of the payroll sheet, I create a named range for each field that maps the corresponding column name.
Column Name <==> Named Range
Hence, I can fill data in a simple loop. Just clone (cloneSheet()) the template sheet and fill each field by the named range.
private void generateAllPayrollSlips(List<Map<String, Object>> employeeSalaries) {
for (Map<String, Object> employee : employeeSalaries) {
Sheet payrollSheet = Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getBook().getSheet("Form"))
.cloneSheet((String) employee.get("Name"));
for (String field : employee.keySet()) {
Ranges.rangeByName(payrollSheet, field).setCellValue(employee.get(field));
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With the named range, I don’t need to hard code a cell address in the code, which makes the code more robust against sheet layout change.
Source Code
I was able to turn this manual Excel copy-pasting task into an automated task in less than 100 lines. I hope you find this example interesting. You can find out the complete code at Github
keikai (5 Part Series)
1 How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files
2 Enable User Input in My Spreadsheet-based App
3 Automate Excel Sheet Processing with Java
4 Protect Formulas in a Web Spreadsheet Application
5 Give your classic spreadsheet a modern touch