Every language has pros and cons. The benefits of the Python programming language are many and can simply be summarized.
The history of Python goes a long way back:
- Christmas 1989: Guido von Rossum begins writing a compiler for the Python language.
- February 1991: The first Python compiler (and interpreter) is born, which is implemented in C (followed by Java and C# implementations of Jython and IronPython, as well as other implementations of PyPy, Brython, Pyston, etc.)
- January 1994: Official release of Python 1.0.
- October 16, 2000: Python 2.0 released
- December 3, 2008: Python 3.0 is released
- 2018: Python 3.7.x was released
- Simple and clear, there is only one way to do a thing.
print("Hello World")
for i in range(1,10):
The learning curve is low and Python is much easier to get used to than many other languages.
Open source, with a strong community and ecosphere.
Interpretive languages with inherent platform portability.
Support is provided for both mainstream programming paradigms (object-oriented programming and functional programming).
Extensible and embeddable, you can call C/C++ code, or you can call Python in C/C++.
High level of code specification and readability for people with code cleanliness and OCD.
Python’s shortcomings focus on the following points.
- The execution is slightly less efficient, so computationally intensive tasks can be written in C/C++.
- Code can’t be compiled normally, but now that many companies are selling services instead of selling software, the problem will be diluted.
- There are so many frameworks to choose from during development (there are over 100 for example web frameworks) that where there are choices, there are mistakes.
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