The Pros and Cons of Python

Every language has pros and cons. The benefits of the Python programming language are many and can simply be summarized.

The history of Python goes a long way back:

  • Christmas 1989: Guido von Rossum begins writing a compiler for the Python language.
  • February 1991: The first Python compiler (and interpreter) is born, which is implemented in C (followed by Java and C# implementations of Jython and IronPython, as well as other implementations of PyPy, Brython, Pyston, etc.)
  • January 1994: Official release of Python 1.0.
  • October 16, 2000: Python 2.0 released
  • December 3, 2008: Python 3.0 is released
  • 2018: Python 3.7.x was released


  • Simple and clear, there is only one way to do a thing.
print("Hello World")
for i in range(1,10):
  • The learning curve is low and Python is much easier to get used to than many other languages.

  • Open source, with a strong community and ecosphere.

  • Interpretive languages with inherent platform portability.

  • Support is provided for both mainstream programming paradigms (object-oriented programming and functional programming).

  • Extensible and embeddable, you can call C/C++ code, or you can call Python in C/C++.

  • High level of code specification and readability for people with code cleanliness and OCD.


Python’s shortcomings focus on the following points.

  • The execution is slightly less efficient, so computationally intensive tasks can be written in C/C++.
  • Code can’t be compiled normally, but now that many companies are selling services instead of selling software, the problem will be diluted.
  • There are so many frameworks to choose from during development (there are over 100 for example web frameworks) that where there are choices, there are mistakes.

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