Submission post for the Twilio Hackathon


It’s an integrated interface to help you help others.

How Creating-JOY came about?

During this COVID 19 crisis, a lot many people want to donate and contribute to the people in need and the community at large. But I didn’t find any relevant applications to do so, hence came Creating-JOY.

What I built?

We built an application that’ll bring all the individual donors as well as NGOs under one roof, to facilitate the queries raised by anyone to help the needy (being humans or animals alike).

Category Submission: Exciting X-Factors

An innovative idea that doesn’t necessarily fit into any of the three categories but is definitely gonna help a lot many people in need. So, a winner in our eyes already!

Creating-JOY’s value preposition:

  • Provision to list the queries to seek help which will include information such as query text, address along with a photograph of the being in need.
  • Provision to view queries for all the visitors.
  • Provision to post, like, dislike and accept the queries for registered users.
  • Provision to delete a query if it reaches the maximum dislikes limit (in our case 5) and to decrease the rating of the associated user who posted. Once a user reaches a minimum rating, they’ll be removed.
  • Provision to segregate queries based on categories
  • Provision to view requested as well as accepted queries by the registered user.

Some salient features:

  • Interface to post and accept the queries for registered users.
  • User verification using Twilio API.
  • A user can act as a donor or a requestor.
  • Like/Dislike and interact with queries.
  • Queries posted are viewable by all the visitors.

Link to Code

GitHub Repo
Go through the to get additional details and setup information for your system.

How we built it:

So, we as a team planned strategically to materialize our vision in a short duration of time. Hence we decided to divide our work on two fronts, frontend and backend. From then on we had small tasks to be done everyday. And magically we reached our end goal.

What’s the stack?

  • Frontend : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap
  • Backend : Spring Boot
  • Database : H2 Database
  • Verification : Twilio Verify API

Additional Resources:

Screenshots : HOMEPAGE

Screenshots : QUERIES

Future enhancements:

Adding GoogleMaps API to track queries and notify relevant donors.


Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve liked the app. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

原文链接:Submission post for the Twilio Hackathon

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