Algorand: Developer Ambassador

Are you a developer? Do you have a passion for blockchain technology? The Algorand Developer Ambassador Program might be for you.

The Algorand Foundation is looking for individuals to build solutions, spread the word and contribute to a global ecosystem.

Also, a 43 million dollar grant fund has been established to help developers with funding. That being said, there are other ways to be compensated for your work. By creating tutorials and solutions you can take home ($1000-$2000+) per month.

Algorand’s Blockchain supports Javascript, Java, Golang, and Python. All skill levels are welcome, positions are limited.

If you are interested please contact the ecosystem coordinator at

Program summary:

i) Dev Grants:Right to apply for $43 Million Algorand Dev Grants

ii) DevAms Rewards: ($1000-$2000+) per mo for creating Tutorials and Coding Solutions

iii) Exclusive Algorand Developer Portal: with JavaScript, Python, Java, Golang Tutorials, Full scale blockchain tools & Templates

iv) Network: directly with Algorand’s Engineering team and developers from across 50+ countries

v) Take part in free coding webinars, training sessions and community hackathons

原文链接:Algorand: Developer Ambassador

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Everyone has its disadvantage just like the god bites the apple. the bigger disadvantage you have, the more the god appreciate it.
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