Top 10 interesting projects for python beginners

Python is one of the most successful programming languages currently. It looks like this trend is about to proceed in 2020 and ahead. So, if you are a Python beginner, the most essential thing you can do is operate on some real-time Python project ideas or topics.

So, here are some Python Project approaches which beginners can operate on:

  1. Tic Tac Toe
  2. Number Guessing
  3. Dice Rolling Simulator
  4. Typing speed test
  5. Email Slicer
  6. Binary search algorithm
  7. Desktop Notifier App 
  8. Python Story Generator
  9. YouTube video downloader
  10. Python Website Blocker 
  11. Calculator
  12. Countdown Clock and Timer 
  13. Random Password Generator 

Explore  more interesting  python project ideas

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All the best!

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