Today I thought of creating a python package. I saw few tutorials online but didn’t find a useful article. So I thought of creating one.
In this article I will tell you how to create and publish python package on PyPI.
First you need to create a functionality. Here I will write a function in which you will pass the excel and it will return JSON response.
Like this:
Excel Format
[ { "Name":"Rat", "Phone Number":"99999999", "Email":"" }, { "Name":"Cat", "Phone Number":"88888888", "Email":"" }, { "Name":"Dog", "Phone Number":"77777777", "Email":"" } ]
My package name is excel2jsonapi (make sure it is unique).
Let’s start
Step 1: Register your self at PyPI
Step 2: Create directory structure like this
excel2jsonapi/ excel2jsonapi/
Step 3: Write your code in __ init
Here’s mine
import xlrd def create(file_path): try: wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path) sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) except Exception: return "Error: Cannot read the excel. Please make sure you have entered the correct path." response = [] for i in range(1, sheet.nrows): value = {} for j in range(0,sheet.ncols): temp = {} try: data = str(sheet.cell_value(i, j)) temp[sheet.cell_value(0, j)] = data value.update(temp) except Exception: pass response.append(value) return response
Step 4: Open and write this and update accordingly.
from setuptools import setup setup(name='excel2jsonapi', version='0.1', description='Convert excel into json response', url='', author='Sahil Rajput', author_email='', license='MIT', packages=['excel2jsonapi'], zip_safe=False)
Now let’s test the package locally.
$ pip install . $ pip install -e .
Now anywhere open the terminal and write python.
>>> import excel2jsonapi >>> excel2jsonapi.create('~/Desktop/excel2jsonapi/example/sample.xlsx')
[ { "Name":"Rat", "Phone Number":"99999999", "Email":"" }, { "Name":"Cat", "Phone Number":"88888888", "Email":"" }, { "Name":"Dog", "Phone Number":"77777777", "Email":"" } ]
Before publishing make sure to create a source distribution with:
$ python sdist
Now, let’s publish it on PyPI.
Upload your project on PyPI using twine.
twine upload dist/*
After that it will ask your username and password and publish it.
If you see some error like this:
HTTPError: 403 Client Error: The user '' isn't allowed to upload to project.
Then your project name is already taken. Try different name.
You can see the excel2jsonapi package here:
Here is the full project: