If you’re new to Spring Boot and looking for quality learning resources, I’ve found these bookmarks quite helpful when ramping up people new to this powerful framework.
️ Java Enterprise 101: Building a REST Server with Spring Boot
Java Enterprise 101: Building a REST Server with Spring Boot
Martin Häusler ・ May 17 ’18
#java #rest #spring #jee
️ freeCodeCamp Spring Boot Tutorial
At just two hours and with no ads, what’s not to love about freeCodeCamp’s Spring Boot Tutorial?
️ Spring Boot – Crash course
Spring Boot – Crash course
Marcos Maia ・ Jun 30 ’19
#springboot #java #tutorial #beginners
️ JetBrains Reactive Spring Tutorial
The JetBrains Reactive Spring Tutorial is a full-featured ten part course. An accompanying YouTube Playlist of the videos is also available alongside the Github repositories and other instructions. This is the first video:
️ Spring Guides
Spring Guides are from the Spring website and cover not only Spring Boot, but also the variety of accompanying libraries in the ecosystem such as Spring Data. They are often focused down to very narrow use cases which is handy when you’re trying to figure out how to accomplish a specific task one day.
️ Creating a Spring Boot and Angular application for Azure
Creating a Spring Boot and Angular application for Azure (1/7)
Julien Dubois for Microsoft Azure ・ May 27 ’19
#spring #angular #azure #java
️ Learn Spring Boot (Baeldung.com)
Baeldung’s Learn Spring Boot series is great for developers from beginner to advanced and often serve as good reference material later on as well.