Selenium library is frequently used for UI test automation, and was probably designed for it, but selenium itself is not a testing library and people quite often forget about it
Selenium is basically a set of tools that allow your code to interact with a browser and the html elements on it.
The selenium WebDriver architecture consists in four main parts:
- The language bindings (libraries for each language).
- The selenium server.
- The browser drivers.
- Finally, the drivers.
Playing around with selenium
Selenium is not a super fast processing tool, maybe because of the many components that need to get involved. I made a fun experiment to see how slow is really selenium by reducing the external dependencies at its minimum.
For the experiment I will basically be executing clicks against a system in which no internet call is executed on each click and also there is no html rendering happening (or this does not matter that much).
Python and open CV
I used python along with openCV to open an image and generate a list of pixel points for each black pixel on the given image.
def generate_coordenates():
print('Generating coordinates based on image')
black_coordinates = [] #initial position
for i in range(image.shape[0]):
for j in range(image.shape[1]):
# find the black pixels if image[i,j,0]==0 and image[i,j,1]==0 and image[i,j,2]==0:
print('Writing coordinates to file')
# generate a coordinates file with open(COORDINATES_FILE, 'a') as out:
for x, y in black_coordinates:
print('Finish generating coordinates file')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Selenium and a website like MS Paint
Then I use selenium to go to a website like MSPaint ( and generate an image based on the black pixels.
driver = webdriver.Chrome(DRIVER_LOCATION)
with open(COORDINATES_FILE) as file:
# move to starting point actions = ActionChains(driver)
actions.move_by_offset(STARTING_COORDINATES.get('x'), STARTING_COORDINATES.get('y'))
# start painting for line in map(lambda line: line.rstrip('\n'), file):
print('Creating move actions')
xy = line.split(',') # split the x and y current = {'x': int(xy[0]), 'y': int(xy[1])}
move_to = {'x': current.get('x') - before.get('x'),
'y': current.get('y') - before.get('y')}
actions.move_by_offset(move_to.get('x'), move_to.get('y'))
before = current.copy()
# finish painting actions.perform()
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
The process
The results
The coordinates file ended up with 3777 rows. Because for each row selenium executes 2 actions: move_by_offset
and click
it means 7554 selenium actions were be executed.
The test took 54.67 minute to complete which means around 3280 seconds.
And if we do the math: 7554 / 3280 = ~2.30. It means that 2.30 selenium actions were executed per second.
Quite fun…
cheers 🙂 and remember to keep using selenium
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