Learn Spring 5 – An Ultimate Guide to Spring 5 Core
A comprehensive guide on Spring fundamentals.
Whether you are a complete beginner on Spring Framework or an experience Spring developer, there are so many take ways from this course.
It covers the following Spring concepts:
Module 1: Course Overview
- Introduction
- What we need
- Target Audience
- Prerequisite
- Course Walk through
- What won’t be covered
- Module summary
Module 2: Set up the development Environment
- Introduction
- Installing Java
- Installing Maven
- Installing – Spring Tool Suite
- Creating Maven Project in Spring Tool Suite
- Installing – Intellij IDEA
- Creating Maven Project in Intellij Idea
Module 3: Spring Core Introduction
- Spring Overview
- Spring History
- Spring Modules
- Dependency Management: Traditional Ways
- Dependency Management: Dependency Injection
- Concepts of POJO and Bean
- Inversion of Control : Spring IOC Container
- Bean Factory Interface
- ApplicationContext Interface
- Configuring beans: XML based, Annotation and Java Config configuration
- Module conclusion
Module 4: XML Based configuration
- Introduction
- Configuring POJOs with XML based configuration
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
- Setter based dependency Injection
- Constructor based dependency Injection
- Constructor vs Setter based Injections
- Circular dependencies
- Composing XML-based Configuration Metadata
- Referencing Other beans
- Inner Beans
- Handling Java Collections
- Merging Collections
- Depends-on
- Lazy-Initialization
Module 5: Autowiring
- Basics of Autowiring
- Autowiring Types,
- No Autowiring ,
- Autowiring byName,
- Autowiring byType
- Autowiring constructor
- Issues with Autowiring
Module 6: Java Configuration
- Configuring beans with Java Configuration
- Component scan with @ComponentScan
- @Configuration and @Bean Annotation
- @Component, @Configuration, @Service and @Repository annotations
- Constructor Injection
- Autowiring POJOs
- @Primary Annotation
- @Qualifier Annotation
- Importing Configuration
- @Scope Annotation
- @Lazy Annotation
- @DependsOn
Module 7: Spring Beans in Depth
- Introduction
- Bean Life Cycle Callbacks
- @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations
- Bean Scope
- Bean Post Processor
- POJO Creation with factory methods – Static factory, instance method and Spring factory bean
- Managing environments – @profile annotation
- Spring Aware Interfaces
- BeanNameAware
- BeanFactoryAware
- ApplicationContextAware
- MessageSourceAware
- ResourceLoaderAware
- EnvironmentAware
Module 8: Spring Aspect Oriented Programming
- AOP Introduction
- Core AOP Concepts
- What is Aspect?
- Join Point
- What is Advice?
- Pointcut
- AOP Proxy
- Aspectj
- Weaving
- Aspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation
- Advice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around
- @Before and @After Annotation
- @AfterReturning Annotation
- @AfterThrowing Annotation
- @Around
- Demostration
Module 9: Spring Task Executor
- Introduction to Java Executor, ExecutorService
- Runnable, Callable and Future
- Threadpool – Fixed thread pool , Cached thread pool, Single thread executor, scheduled thread pool executor
- Spring TaskExecutor
- Spring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
- Spring SyncTaskExecutor
- Spring TaskExecutorAdapter
Module 10: Communication between Beans – ApplicationEvent Management
- Introduction
- ApplicationListener Interface
- ApplicationEventPublisher
- Example
Module 11: Conclusion
- Source Code
- Course Aummary
- WhatsNext
What you’ll learn
- Spring Framework Core Concepts
- Spring History
- Environment Set up in STS and Intellij Idea
- Spring Dependency Injection
- Configuring Spring IoC Container through XML configuration
- Configuring Spring IoC Container through Java annotation configuration
- Spring Bean Autowiring – ByName, ByType, Constructor
- Spring Bean Life Cycle Callbacks, Bean Post Processor,
- …
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