Liskov Substitution Principle in 3 Minutes

The Liskov Substitution Principle is the L in SOLID object oriented design, and despite having one of the more intimidating sounding names of the 5 principles, it’s actually pretty easy to wrap your head around.

It’s so simple, in fact, that you’re going to understand it in about 3 minutes.

What Is It?

The LSP, in simple terms, states that objects of the same superclass should be able to be swapped with each other without breaking anything.

If we have a Cat and a Dog class derived from an Animal class, any functions using the Animal class should be able to use Cat or Dog and behave normally.

Let’s do an example!

Even that definition doesn’t quite explain it very well, so let’s put it into practice. All will become clear with the code.

In true OOP fashion, let’s make an Animal superclass, and a Dog and Cat subclass and capture their favorite kinds of food.

public static class Animal {
  public String favoriteFood;
  public Animal(String favoriteFood) {
    this.favoriteFood = favoriteFood;

public static class Dog extends Animal {
  public Dog(String favoriteFood) {

public static class Cat extends Animal {
  public Cat(String favoriteFood) {

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Now we want to make a method that will let us give these cuties some treats. I don’t want to put this method in the Animal classes though, because it’s me feeding the animals, not a behavior intrinsic to the animals. Something like Dog.feed might get the point across, but I think feed(Dog) is better, don’t you?

Let’s make this method and call it GiveTreatTo:

public static void GiveTreatTo(Animal animal) {
  String msg = "You fed the " + animal.getClass().getSimpleName() + " some "  + animal.favoriteFood;

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See here that GiveTreatTo takes any Animal as a parameter. Since our Animal constructors assign the animal’s favorite food, we can pretty much count on that data always being there.

This means we don’t have to make a method for each animal, i.e., GiveTreatToDog and GiveTreatToCat. Because we implemented LSP, we have one method. Let’s see it in action:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  Dog rover = new Dog("bacon");
  Cat bingo = new Cat("fish");


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Now, if we properly implemented the LSP, this program should run just fine. Let’s check the output:

You gave the Dog some bacon
You gave the Cat some fish

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Amazing. Another benefit of this principal is we can add more and more subclasses of Animal and the GiveTreatTo method won’t need any tinkering.

Wrap Up

Pretty non-intimidating right? As with many things in programming and computer science, the name belies its simplicity. Now, go out there and make your subclasses swappable, and thank Dr. Barbara Liskov for such a useful principle.

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