Devoxx: a learner journey

I have attended the #devoxxma event which has been hosted in Agadir, a beautiful city of Morocco in the Atlantic Ocean.
The main event consists of conferences handed by people working on big IT companies such as IBM, RedHat, Twitter, Facebook, Oracle and so on.
To be honest, I couldn’t be present in all the conferences because most of them occur at the same time. But, I tried to attend the maximum of shows I could, prioritizing them by the relationship with the field of work I’m in.
Among the things I have loved is the choice of the city which is amazing, with a good weather, about 20°C, and also the organization team who provided us with all the information and the tools we needed to accomplish this journey.
As a learner, I will summarize the keynotes of the topics I have attended :

  • Optimize your compiler may decrease the electricity consumption, and then you will win on both sides: you will preserve energy and the benefits of your company will increase. This was the main idea of the conference handed by Chris Thalinger who works for Twitter.
  • A snapshot of 10 ways by which you can secure your web application : presented by Matt Raible, a java champion and a developer advocate at Okta, going through the layers of an http application that has to use https whenever it comes possible, enable the CORS and CSRF to prevent attacks, and also hash passwords after inserting them into a database.

  • Work with CI/CD just by using .yml configuration files of the Jenkins pipeline : it was a presentation of Anas Moutaki and Ayoub Ed-dafali who are both devOps engineers at SQLI. It was essentially about how to configure and automate the Jenkins builds as a code in order to have our applications up and running within few minutes.

  • Using quarkus by RedHat to ensure the start of web applications within milliseconds! : Edson Yanaga was rockibg with his special topic about the quarkus pluging and how it can enable java web app developers to let go off all the frameworks they may use and focus on the one who is promising the sustainability of java as programming language in the upcoming years, not just because it is robust, but all the inconveniences of slowness will disappear. Quarkus supports spring annotations, it supports also orms JPA and hibernates.
    Now, one can code and see his changes withing no time (about 200 milliseconds in a bad day, says Edson ).

  • Create a modern web applications with java using eclipse microprofile and liberty plugin with Sebastian Daschner, a java advocate at IBM who handed a good session about how the world of web apps will look like in the future.

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