What IDEs, frameworks, languages, and other software do you use on a regular or semi-regular basis? Spring? Android Studio? Git? Maven / Gradle / Ant? What do you use for the front-end? React? Vue? JavaFX?
I’ll go first:
Language(s): Java, some Scala
Project Management: Maven
Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab
Database: MongoDB, H2, Hadoop, or Derby, but I’ve also used MySQL and PostgreSQL (I’m flexible)
IDEs / Editors: nano mainly, but starting to use Eclipse and VS Code more
Front-End: I’ve dabbled in JavaFX, but I’m trying to learn some more JavaScript, including ReactJS
Other: Trying to catch up and learn REST / Spring, and Android Development
It looks a lot more intimidating now that I’ve written it all out like that!
How about you? What are you using and what are you learning? Let me know in the comments!