Spring PasswordEncoder Implementation

Spring Security provides multiple PasswordEncoder implementations with BCRYPT as the recommended implementation. However, the use-case of sharing an authentication database with an external application, Dovecot, is examined in this article. Dovecot uses an MD5-CRYPT algorithm.

Complete javadoc is provided.


The actual encryption algorithm is captured in the Dovecot source file password-scheme-md5crypt.c.


The implementation extends DelegatingPasswordEncoder to provide decryption services for the other Spring Security supported password types. Two inner classes, each subclasses of PasswordEncoder, provide MD5-CRYPT and PLAIN implementations.

public class MD5CryptPasswordEncoder extends DelegatingPasswordEncoder {

    private static final String MD5_CRYPT = "MD5-CRYPT";
    private static final HashMap<String,PasswordEncoder> MAP = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        MAP.put(MD5_CRYPT, MD5Crypt.INSTANCE);
        MAP.put("CLEAR", NoCrypt.INSTANCE);
        MAP.put("CLEARTEXT", NoCrypt.INSTANCE);
        MAP.put("PLAIN", NoCrypt.INSTANCE);
        MAP.put("PLAINTEXT", NoCrypt.INSTANCE);


    public MD5CryptPasswordEncoder() {
        super(MD5_CRYPT, MAP);


    private static class NoCrypt implements PasswordEncoder {
        public static final NoCrypt INSTANCE = new NoCrypt();

    private static class MD5Crypt extends NoCrypt {
        public static final MD5Crypt INSTANCE = new MD5Crypt();

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The MD5Crypt inner class implementation is straightforward:

    private static class MD5Crypt extends NoCrypt {
        private static final String MD5 = "md5";
        private static final String MAGIC = "$1$";
        private static final int SALT_LENGTH = 8;

        public static final MD5Crypt INSTANCE = new MD5Crypt();

        public MD5Crypt() { }

        public String encode(CharSequence raw) {
            return encode(raw.toString(), salt(SALT_LENGTH));

        private String encode(String raw, String salt) {
            if (salt.length() > SALT_LENGTH) {
                salt = salt.substring(0, SALT_LENGTH);

            return (MAGIC + salt + "$" + encode(raw.getBytes(UTF_8), salt.getBytes(UTF_8)));

        private String encode(byte[] password, byte[] salt) {
            /* * See source and password-scheme-md5crypt.c. */

        public boolean matches(CharSequence raw, String encoded) {
            String salt = null;

            if (encoded.startsWith(MAGIC)) {
                salt = encoded.substring(MAGIC.length()).split("[$]")[0];
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format");

            return encoded.equals(encode(raw.toString(), salt));

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The NoCrypt implementation provides the methods for calculating salt and itoa64 conversion.

Spring Boot Application Integration

The PasswordEncoder may be integrated with the following @Configuration:

package some.application;

import ball.spring.MD5CryptPasswordEncoder;
import ...

public class PasswordEncoderConfiguration {

    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        return new MD5CryptPasswordEncoder();

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and must be integrated with a UserDetailsService in a WebSecurityConfigurer:

package some.application;

import ...

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfigurerImpl extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    @Autowired private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
    @Autowired private PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;

    public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {


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