Angie Jones released a new Test Automation University Course – Selenium WebDriver with Java

Last week, Angie Jones released a new online course for Test Automation University to learn introductory to advanced Selenium WebDriver with Java.

Angie is a certified Java Programmer who has been using the language for more than 18 years. In addition to programming in Java at companies such as IBM and Twitter, she has also worked as an adjunct professor teaching Java at the college level. Pretty dope!
图片[1]-Angie Jones released a new Test Automation University Course - Selenium WebDriver with Java - 拾光赋-拾光赋
According to Angie, Selenium WebDriver is an object-oriented automation API that natively drives a browser just as a user would.

Selenium WebDriver supports multiple programming languages, and in her new course, she focuses mostly on the Java implementation.

It looks like there is a lot to cover in this course, as Angie demos how to use the WebDriver API, but she also uses different examples to explain why certain calls are needed, when they should be used, etc.

There are also some optional independent exercises that you can try on your own to further lock in what you’re learning. In general, Angie teaches you:

  • How to install Selenium WebDriver and the other dependencies needed

  • How to use the WebDriver API to launch and interact with websites

  • Various techniques to find elements such as buttons, links, text, dropdowns, and more within a web application

  • WebDriver API calls to interact with those elements such as clicking, entering and reading text, selecting options, handling popups and alerts, uploading files, working with iframes, and more

  • Advanced interactions, such as hovering and sending alternative keys like tab, as well as symbols

  • How to integrate the WebDriver API with a test assertion library, such as TestNG

  • How to organize our test code using the Page Object Model

  • Various wait strategies to control the timing of our scripts and avoid flaky tests

  • How to take screenshots during test executions

  • How to have our code listen for specific WebDriver events and perform additional actions, like logging our test activity

  • How to customize the browser used in test execution

  • How to run headless tests

  • Advanced topics like navigating multiple open tabs within a browser, as well as cookie management

  • And for anything you can’t do with the core WebDriver API methods, she teaches you how to write custom actions using JavaScript

If you’re like me and need to better learn how to program in Java, no worries. Angie has another free course on Test Automation University called Java Programming. I strongly encourage you to take that course before starting this move advanced course.

What’s more, is that there is actually a learning pathway on Test Automation University for understanding all the basics for doing Web UI testing with Java. The learning path Web UI Java involves 10 separate classes and includes a little over 17 hours of instruction. And, each course dives into different elements.

Two of these courses apply directly to the Java Language specifically: programming in Java and the Java automation engine. Two more are common among the web UI test path: finding web elements on a page, and how to test visually. The others are part of the common core courses shared among all the testing paths.

I’d be interested in learning about other online tutorials and/or courses to learn more about Java programming in particular. Drop me a note in the comments for places you go to get upskilled!

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