How to Python (14 Part Series)
1 How to Check if a File Exists in Python
2 How to Check if a List is Empty in Python
… 10 more parts…
3 How to Invert a Dictionary in Python: Comprehensions, Defaultdict, and More
4 How to Sum Elements of Two Lists in Python
5 How to Parse a Spreadsheet in Python
6 How to Sort a List of Dictionaries in Python
7 How to Write a List Comprehension in Python
8 How to Merge Two Dictionaries in Python
9 How to Print on the Same Line in Python: Print and Write
10 How to Compare Strings in Python: Equality and Identity
11 How to Performance Test Python Code: timeit, cProfile, and More
12 How to Perform a Reverse Dictionary Lookup in Python: Generator Expressions and More
13 How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in Python: In, Index, and More
14 How to Add an Item to a List in Python: Append, Slice Assignment, and More
As someone who teaches a lot of beginner programming content, I occasionally stumble upon questions like “how do you print on the same line in Python?” Luckily, I have an answer to that!
In short, there are two main ways to print on the same line in Python. For Python 2, use the following print syntax: print "Williamson",
. For Python 3, use the following print syntax: print("Providence", end="")
. Otherwise, check out the remainder of the article for a backwards compatible solution.
Problem Introduction
In many programming languages, printing on the same line is typically the default behavior. For instance, Java has two command line print functions:
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As you can probably imagine, the default print
function in Java is going to print without a newline character. In contrast, the println
function is going to behave much like the print
function in Python. Specifically, it’s going to print whatever string you provide to it followed by a newline character (i.e. \n
Of course, if the print
function in Python automatically prints a newline character with each call, then there’s no way to get the Java print
behavior, right? Luckily, that’s not true! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have anything to write about out.
In order to print on the same line in Python, there are a few solutions. Unfortunately, not all of the solutions work in all versions of Python, so I’ve provided three solutions: one for Python 2, another for Python 3, and a final solution which works for both.
Print on the Same Line The Old Way
When I was searching for solutions to this problem, I found a lot of material on Python 2 which is quickly phasing out (I hope). That said, I felt this solution would be helpful to anyone still rocking it.
At any rate, when you print something in Python 2, the syntax is the same as Python 3, but you leave out the parentheses:
print "Live PD"
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Of course, in both cases, the default behavior is to print with a newline. As a result, we’ll need to add a clever bit of syntax—a comma:
print "Live PD",
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Now, the print function should exclude the newline. However, this solution will add an extra space to the end of the string. Also, you may notice that this solution does not print immediately. If that happens, you can make a call to sys.stdout.flush()
Print on the Same Line with the Write Function
Fortunately, we can bridge the gap between Python 2 and 3 using a function out of the sys
library: write
. This functions works just like the print
function, but there’s no implicit newline:
import syssys.stdout.write("Breaking Bad")
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Again, since there is no newline, you may need to flush the buffer to see any results:
import sys
sys.stdout.write("Breaking Bad")
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In either case, this solution will get the job done in both versions of Python.
Print on the Same Line the New Way
In Python 3, print
is a standard function. As a result, it has additional opportunities for parameters. In particular, there is a keyword argument called end
which defaults to some newline character. You can easily change it as follows:
print("Mob Psycho 100", end="")
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And, that’s it! Instead of the string ending in a newline, it will end in an empty string. Of course, this solution comes with the same caveat as the other previous two solutions: you may need to flush the buffer.
As always, I like to take a look at all the solutions from the point of view of performance. To start, I usually store each solution in a string. To avoid excessive printing during the test, I’ve chosen to write empty strings:
setup=""" import sys """
write_solution = """ sys.stdout.write("") """
print_solution = """ print("", end="") """
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Unfortunately, I was unable to test the Python 2 solution on my system, so feel free to share your results in the comments. At any rate, I like to use the timeit
library for a quick and dirty performance test:
>>> import timeit
>>> min(timeit.repeat(stmt=write_solution, setup=setup, repeat=10))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(stmt=print_solution, setup=setup, repeat=10))
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Clearly, the print
function has quite a bit of overhead. In other words, if performance matters, go the write
route. Otherwise, print
works great!
A Little Recap
Well, that’s it for this one. Check out the code block below for a list of all the solutions:
# Python 2 only print "Live PD",
# Backwards compatible (also fastest) import sys
sys.stdout.write("Breaking Bad")
# Python 3 only print("Mob Psycho 100", end="")
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As always, if you know any other ways to print on the same line in Python, let us know in the comments. In the meantime, why not grow your Python knowledge with the following articles:
If you liked this article or any of the ones I listed, consider sticking around long term by becoming a member of the community or hopping on the mailing list. Otherwise, I appreciate the support. Thanks for stopping by!
The post How to Print on the Same Line in Python: Print and Write appeared first on The Renegade Coder.
How to Python (14 Part Series)
1 How to Check if a File Exists in Python
2 How to Check if a List is Empty in Python
… 10 more parts…
3 How to Invert a Dictionary in Python: Comprehensions, Defaultdict, and More
4 How to Sum Elements of Two Lists in Python
5 How to Parse a Spreadsheet in Python
6 How to Sort a List of Dictionaries in Python
7 How to Write a List Comprehension in Python
8 How to Merge Two Dictionaries in Python
9 How to Print on the Same Line in Python: Print and Write
10 How to Compare Strings in Python: Equality and Identity
11 How to Performance Test Python Code: timeit, cProfile, and More
12 How to Perform a Reverse Dictionary Lookup in Python: Generator Expressions and More
13 How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in Python: In, Index, and More
14 How to Add an Item to a List in Python: Append, Slice Assignment, and More
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