If you’ve looked at the code of some well-known maintained C/C++ open source projects, you may have noticed that whenever there are multiple variable assignments they tend to be aligned like this:
first_num = 1;
second_num = 2;
third_num = 3;
fourth_num = 4;
fifth_num = 5;
some_other_num = 6;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
instead of
first_num = 1;
second_num = 2;
third_num = 3;
fourth_num = 4;
fifth_num = 5;
some_other_num = 6;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
This can sometimes also be seen in Makefiles (especially automatically generated ones). But speaking of Java, most IDEs will likely attempt to trim redundant whitespace by default.
So what do you think? Is this style relevant to Java as well?
Also, which one looks more readable to you?
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