Good day all,
Joined because my life aspirations have finally revealed that my typing skills is needing to go the right route into programming.
let us not waste 160-200 words per minute doing the same thing everyday.
I’m hoping to build myelf into the point where i Can recreate myself™ in code, or even into a robotic copy of myself.
Giving myself massages,
Typing code without looking at the keyboard, unless the program refuses to run.
I want to go in blindly and come out having absorbed all possible knowledge.
I started doing java in high school, but because it was an extra subject, i didn’t finish it there.
now, 10 years later with enough youtube material to make anyone go mad, iM using udemy, and almost all learning sources to just keep growing.
In my IT service desk /technical support career – I’ve been looking at what I can actually do at my computer with 9 hours of work time dedicated per day.: Python. Thanks to as well, for their prolific book specials – i enriched my life from here, and im doing python for kids right now hahaha 🙂
starting off with that to get good grasps. It’s nice an’ simple, and from here I’d like to just keep building.
Functional before Object oriented.
Front end software development for android is a destination i would like to reach within the next 1000 days so that I can maybe escape south africa, or do tonnes of online work, and repa the benefits to stay alive within this country.
Darryn AKA 1mantisphoenix