This is the error I was getting
There was an error in the forked process unable to find valid certification path to requested target
org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException: There was an error in the forked process unable to find valid certification path to requested target
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Seriously not helpful when trying to run a testng test using maven and surefire.
To fix it I changed the xml header in the testng.xml file. Sigh.
There is no reason for this type of stuff. There are parts of Java programming that are a dumpster fire and this is a good example of it. No way text in an xml file should cause such an error. Just a complete failure on the part of Java/testng/maven/surefire? Someone in the chain does not actually want you to use their product… who knows where the failure lies.
I changed the header from the header found on the testng website to this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
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And no more error. 🙁
原文链接:if you get a random useless error using mvn and testng about certs