Decorator is one of my favorite Python features. While seemingly confused at first, it is just a function that takes another function as a parameter and returns another function.
decorator: Func -> Func
This is possible because, in Python, function
is a first-class citizen, meaning that function can be used as a parameter, a return value and can be assigned to a variable.
Once understood, decorator
can be used in various situations and some of which will be discussed below.
By definition,
a decorator is a function that takes another function and extends the behavior of the latter function without explicitly modifying it
Concretely the below code:
def f(argument):
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will replace f
by decorator(f)
: calling f(argument)
is then equivalent to decorator(f)(argument)
Flask, a popular and lightweight web framework uses decorator extensively that results in an elegant and intuitive code. Decorator uses can be found throughout the framework, from defining routes to adding hooks to application/request lifecycle.
In this small post, some use cases of decorators in Flask will be discussed. Please note that this post is intended for users who already have experiences with Flask and decorators. The code examples are also mostly pseudocode to illustrate ideas rather than be immediately usable. If you want to learn about Flask or decorator, you can find some resources at the end of the post.
First thing first, how @app.route is implemented?
The first example of Flask usually begins with something like:
def index():
return "Hello world"
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By having app.route
as decorator, the function index
is registered for the route /
so that when that route is requested, index
is called and its result “Hello world” is returned to the client (be it a web browser, curl, etc).
Have you ever wondered how the ubiquitous @app.route
is implemented? As the decorator is usually used to modify a function behavior, its effect can normally be seen when this function is called. Whereas index
is not called anywhere in the code.
An unpopular fact about decorator is that it is definition-time and not runtime, that is index
will be replaced by app.route('/')(index)
when the module is imported. The fact that this registering is done in definition time is important here as if it wasn’t the case, Flask would have no way to know of index existence.
The implementation logic of @app.route
is actually quite simple, basically index
is added into a global url-function mapping variable that will be searched upon when a request comes in:
class App:
route_functions = {}
def route(url_pattern):
def wrap(f):
route_functions[url_pattern] = f
return f
return wrap
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so when replacing index
by app.route(“/”)(index)
, index
is added into the route_functions
that contains route-function matchings.
Login decorator
Let’s say you have a Flask application that allows a user to add tweets. Each tweet belongs to a user and only logged in user can add tweet. Therefore you want to limit some routes to only logged in users and if a user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the login page.
Adding the login check for every route is quite cumbersome and violates the DRY principle. It would be very handy if we can just decorate such routes with @login_required and all the login checks will be done automatically.
def add_tweet():
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Suppose that the user verification uses cookie, login_required
first checks the cookie, if the cookie is not valid, redirect user to login page. Otherwise call add_tweet
from functools import wraps
def login_required(f):
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
# if user is not logged in, redirect to login page if not request.headers["authorization"]:
return redirect("login page")
# get user via some ORM system user = User.get(request.headers["authorization"])
# make user available down the pipeline via flask.g g.user = user
# finally call f. f() now haves access to g.user return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrap
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Note that login_required
needs to be placed after app.route
so login_required(add_tweet)
will be called and not just add_tweet
when the route matches. Otherwise, if login_required
is placed before app.route
, only add_tweet
is called when the route is requested and therefore the login requirement check has no effect.
Roles based decorator
The previous login decorator can be extended to take into account various user roles. Let’s say we have admin users that can call routes that other users cannot. It would be nice to have a decorator admin_login_required
, that, when used with login_required
marks a route only available for admin users.
def admin_login_required():
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
# user is available from @login_required if not g.user.is_admin:
return "you need to be admin", 401
return f(*args, **kwargs)
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So to decorate a route that requires admin access, one can just add these 2 decorators:
def admin_delete_user():
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The order here is again important: admin_login_required
must be placed after login_required
to benefit from g.user
set in login_required
Other uses
Making use of decorator can elegantly resolve various DRY problems:
- Get input from request query, JSON, form with type checking, so that if the input is missing or not correctly-typed, return 400
- Add elapsed time logging to know what routes is slow
- Page caching based on URL parameters
- Etc
Some excellent resources IMO to learn Flask and decorators: