This is an experiment to try using javap (disassembler) and jad (decompiler) for this Kotlin code.
fun main (args: Array <String>) {
println ("Hello, World!")
Code source
Like other JVM languages, Kotlin is compiled into a class file executable as Java.
We can verify it because javap can display the mnemonic of JVM and decompile as java source code with jad.
Compile this.
kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar
Extract jar and use javap, jad for hello.class
jar xf hello.jar
macOS High Sierra 10
javap (Disassembler)
It is unnecessary since it is in the JDK from the beginning
javap - c HelloKt.class
Compiled from "hello.kt"
public final class HelloKt {
public static final void main (java.lang.String []);
0: aload_ 0
1: ldc # 9 // String args
3: invokestatic # 15 // Method kotlin / jvm / internal / Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull: (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / String;) V
6: ldc # 17 // String Hello, World!
8: astore_1
9: getstatic # 23 // Field java / lang / System.out: Ljava / io / PrintStream;
12: aload_1
13: invokevirtual # 29 // Method java / io / PrintStream.println: (Ljava / lang / Object;) V
16: return
jad (decompiler)
How to introduce jad
brew tap caskroom / cask
brew install caskroom / cask / jad
You can display the mnemonic as a comment with the -a option.
$ jad -a HelloKt.class
$ cat HelloKt.jad
import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics;
public final class HelloKt
public static final void main (String args [])
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull (args, "args");
// 0 0: aload_ 0
// 1 1: ldc 1 # 9 <String "args">
// 2 3: invokestatic # 15 <Method void Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull (Object, String)>
String s = "Hello, World!";
// 3 6: ldc 1 # 17 <String "Hello, World!">
// 4 8: astore_ 1
System.out.println (s);
// 5 9: getstatic # 23 <Field PrintStream System.out>
// 6 12: aload - 1
// 7 13: invokevirtual # 29 <Method void PrintStream.println (Object)>
// 8 16: return
It was easy to introduce and analyze.
I will check how Kotlin specific functions are represented and converted as Java in the future.
原文链接:Decompile and dissasemble JVM bytecode compiled from Kotlin source code