I have created a document using docx and tried to send as an email attachment without saving the document on the server. Below is my code:
Document = document()
paragraph = document.add_paragraph("Test Content")
f = BytesIO()
file_list = []
file_list.append(["Test.docx",f, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"]
email = EmailMessage(subject = 'Test', body = 'Hi', to = ['test@test.com'], attachments = file_list)
I am getting the following error:
TypeError: expected bytes-like object, not BytesIO
on the line email.send()
I tried converting BytesIO to StringIO as mentioned here
f = f.read()
f = StringIO(f.decode('UTF-8'))
and then I get the error:
TypeError: expected bytes-like object, not StringIO
I looked at the solution from this, but didn’t understand how the document
is sent as an attachment.
Any help or pointers is appreciated.
原文链接:Create a document using python-docx and send as attachment through django
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