I have some logs that contain url with encoded characters and I need to extract some data out of the urls. Searching around lead me to this stackexchange’s answer:-
alias urldecode='python3 -c "import sys, urllib.parse as ul;print(ul.unquote_plus(sys.argv[1]))"'
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Then you can use it as:-
urldecode '%22status%22%3A%22SUCCESS%22'
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Now that’s perfect. But the data that I want to decode must be passed through unix pipe, like this:-
grep 'status: 504' /var/log/local0* | awk '{ print $10}' | xargs urldecode
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But this won’t work, as xargs won’t see the alias. So we alias xargs as well:-
alias xargs='xargs '
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But that however only work for the first line. How to make xargs execute for each line?
alias xargs='xargs -L 1 '
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Now we can run urldecode for each line we piped from grep!