import random
import yaml
banner = “””
Reading Proxy List from File
Formated -> Socks(4-5)\HTTP\HTTPS:IP:PORT
Example :
cat proxylist.txt
proxyfilepath = str(raw_input(” Enter proxy List Path,
with Content format as Socks(4-5)\HTTP\HTTPS:IP:PORT) Here : “))
proxy_dict = {}
x = open(proxyfilepath,’r’).readlines()
plines = len(x)
print ” Number of Proxies in File are : %s ” % plines
proxy_num = 0
for line in x:
proxy_num += 1
proxy_type, proxy_server, proxy_port = line.strip(“\n”).split(“:”)
proxy_dict[proxy_num]= “{“+”‘”+proxy_type+”‘” + ‘: ‘ + “‘”+proxy_server + ‘:’ + proxy_port+”‘”+”}”
print “\n Showing the Proxy lines in Dict format stored in Proxy_dict \n”
print proxy_dict
counter = 1
aplst= []
while counter <= plines:
sign = proxy_dict[(counter)]
counter += 1
print “\n\n Done Signing\n\n”
print ” Showing The List of Dictionary format proxies \n”
print aplst
print “\n\n Showing Random Choice from The List and It’s Data Type .. \n”
print (random.choice(aplst)) , type(random.choice(aplst))
print “\n So we Should be Converting the Token Proxy using (yaml) to Map correctly through the protocol \n”
converted = yaml.load((random.choice(aplst)))
print converted , type(converted)
-And this command (random.choice(aplst)) can be used inside
the Mechanize.Browser() proxy option after Converting
The “proxy” token from the list as a string to “Dict” Using (yaml) as Example:
pr_token = yaml.load((random.choice(aplst)))
br = mechanize.Browser()