Python is a language that can be easily learnt and used for many things. A cool thing about Python is that many interesting stuff has already been developed. An example of this is Tweepy, which is an easy-to-use Python library for accessing the Twitter API.
I really like to try integrating different technologies, so I gave myself the task of trying to build a Twitter bot using Tweepy. Te result: I built a bot that everyday at 11:00 UTC (6:00 in Mexico) it generates a random complex number, then it iterates it in a function in order to generate a Julia set, and finally the bot Tweets the fractal generated. You can check it out at @JuliaSetBot.
An example of what it does is embed here:
Julia Sets @juliasetbot
Julia set for -0.8158 -0.1862i and 300 iterations.
Generated on: Thu Apr 13 11:01:57 2017 UTC. 11:01 AM – 13 Apr 2017
Awesome right? 🤖
原文链接:My @JuliaSetBot: A (python) bot that Tweets fractals. 🠖